PPR joins APPG Housing Committee in talks with Homes England Chair
September 2023
PPR joins APPG Housing Committee in talks with Homes England Chair
Peter Freeman, Chairman of Homes England discussed his brief to help fund housing delivery with the Parliamentary Advisory Board on Housing this week. He explained their challenges around helping unlock places and brownfield regeneration in the currently difficult economic environment and how they can potentially help with funding to developers.
Nick Hopkinson, PPR Director commented on the discussion “It was helpful to hear that Homes England have a particular mandate to support SME developers who have been harshly squeezed by exploding inflation, higher debt costs and ever more planning bureaucracy delays in the last couple of years. Whilst planning regulations are not within Peter’s direct mandate, explaining to him how impossible to achieve Nutrient Neutrality rules are currently blocking 100,000 much needed new homes including many brownfield smaller, change of use, schemes in affected areas of England was a shock! Dialogue between developers, investors and policy decision influencers is always helpful to mutual education and, hopefully, better collaboration.”